The association that organises the Brest European Short Film Festival

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Asger Lindqvist, Morten Lindqvist

Danemark / 15' / 2017

Screenplay : Morten Lindqvist, Asger Lindqvist

Image : Michael Clemens

Editing : Morten Lindqvist, Asger Lindqvist

Actors : Karla Nina Diedrich

Production company : Asger Lindqvist, Morten Lindqvist

Ancienne danseuse classique et nouvellement maman, Anna a quelques difficultés à accepter son nouveau rôle. Encouragée par son mari, elle embarque sans enthousiasme pour sa première balade avec le bébé dans la poussette. Cette sortie se transforme rapidement en test pour la jeune mère.

Anna has just had her first child. Being a former ballet dancer, she has difficulties accepting her new life as a mother. Urged by her husband, she reluctantly embarks on her first walk with the baby in the stroller. But her walk with the newborn soon turns out to be a test of her motherhood.

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